Well’m, my momma always did tell me that thur weren’t much in life more versa-tile than the unassumin’, ocean-dwellin’ shrimp. Ya see, momma knew more about shrimp than most people know about breathin’, and she’d always be eager to tell ya her favorite uses them lil’ pink fellas. She loved eatin’ shrimp, cookin’ shrimp, ridin’ on top of giant shrimp, usin’ shrimp in a comedic refer-ence to a classic film that many folks have strong feelins about one way er the uther... I tell ya whut, momma could go on fer days about them shrimp!
In case you couldn’t already tell, shrimp is on the menu in this week’s episode of The Kain Campaign. Amid their investigation into The Head & The Heart Marketing Firm, our gang of adventurers finds themselves sidetracked by a 12-fingered shrimp captain and his love of shellfish-related humor. I promise that some actual plot development happens once we’ve made sure that no more prawn-puns have eluded us. Dap even finds a reason to become enraged that is only slightly related to his daddy issues! Find out what’s getting his ire up on Episode 6 of The Kain Campaign!