
The Magnificent Seven Dwarves

Ages ago, the Feywild was scorched over by the explosion of a dying sun. All that raw arcane energy changed the world into a wasteland of untamed magic. It ain't easy to make a life there, but some folk don't have no other choice.

But wherever there are hardworking folks eking out a living, you'll find other, nastier folks looking to steal that living away for themselves. When push comes to shove, the little guy loses all he has, and the shifting sea of sands will swallow him up right quick, lest he can fight back.

That's where we come in. We're no heroes. Just wanderers trying to survive like everyone else. We ain't trying to win us no fortune or fame; we're just trying to do right by our fellow gnome.

It's a good thing we've got these here snake-guns. It seems like things are about to get rowdy...

Super Heroes #5 - Advanced Train-ing!

After watching their city's heroes get inexplicably blown up by "some kind of small-yield thermonuclear detonation" (you know, like in real life...), the Bad & Breakfast crew know that it's up to them to stop the dastardly and overtly russian Major Mosquito. 

In the city of Big Lake there is a secret nearly as large as the lake, and Mama J, Patient Hero, and The Secret Secreter are about to discover the darkness that lies behind Beer brand beer; while finding a familiar face along the way... Join us for all the off-brand action in The Super Heroes Campaign!

Super Heroes #4 - This Time It's Professional!

BAD & BREAKFAST IS BACK! Sorry. I'm just excited. But I'm not kidding, Mama J, Augustina, Patient Hero, and The Secret Secreter are out of the f̶r̶y̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶p̶a̶n̶ molten-iron pit, and into the f̶i̶r̶e̶ rain-of-killer-mosquitos...

The murderous Major Mosquito has them on the ropes, which turned out to be especially easy since Patient Hero is just a head at this point. But don't count our food-themed heroes out just yet. They've still got a couple tricks up their awkwardly-damp sleeves. It's time for more heroics in Episode 4 of The Super Heroes Campaign!

Serenity: Revolutions

This week our familial heroes once again take the burden of 'Verse Rescue upon their muscular, stooped, and old shoulders, respectively. E11T/The Operator/space-god has a bit of a gambling problem, which means that the fate of the 'Verse depends on our heroes strategic, tactical, and seduction abilities. It's... kind of weird. I suggest you just listen to it. It will make more sense that way. Not a lot of sense. But more. 

Cross your fingers and jack into Lenny's livestream of sexiness with Episode 5 of The Serenity Campaign!

Serenity: Reloaded

This week we strap on our six-shooters and lace up our riding boots; the 'Verse is calling our name! That's right, it's time to revisit the Serenity campaign because watching Firefly is no longer enough for Patrick. He needs to live it! 

Mortecaih, Lenny, and Sammy The Hurtful Robot have taken life easy for the past year, but now their god-friend/god-father, E11T, has returned with a task for them; in the process, somehow one-upping their previous task of saving the 'Verse. This time, they've got to save... The universe.


Undead - Under Par

This week, in the first of our off-season episodes, Dan, David, and Alex undertake their greatest role-playing feat yet. They're playing themselves in the zombie apocalypse. It turns out Patrick has some sort of strange death-wish, which has compelled him to create a hellish world filled with undead boat captains, bloodsport enthusiasts, and worst of all... pirate-themed mini golf courses! DUN DUN DUNNNN!

Listen in as slightly exaggerated versions of the RPGentlemen tackle armageddon with only what they can scrounge from Patrick's real-life pontoon boat. It's RPG-Z-Day, so grab your gear! The Z stands for zombies. Because that's what's going on. It's zombies.