Friends of Bonobo! We are gathered here today to celebrate a momentous occasion! All your hard work has been leading to this Bono-blessed day. The sprouting of this tree will mark the culmination of your Bono-beneficent leader’s Bono-brilliant plan to spread word. The word of Bonobo! No more Bono-biting our tongues or Bono-biding our time. For now is our time. My father did not send me here from the Nine Hells Theater Troupe to fail at my first re-Bono-branding campaign! With this ritual completed, Bonobo’s name will be on everyone’s lips until their dying Bono-breath...
This week our heroes have discovered the truth about the psionic virus that is Bonobo, but is it too late for the already infected Lo’Kron? Granted, he’s already pretty crazy, so maybe a little more won’t hurt. Even then, the party must find a way to free the hypnotized villagers from Bonobo’s lip grip and stop the disease from spreading. Plus, what’s Ark’s bro doing hanging around with psionic viruses anyway? The party will probably gently suggest to him that he should change his ways. Or, ya know, maybe try something a little more aggresive. All this and spider nipples in Episode 27 of The Kain Campaign!