Serenity Campaign #1 - Leavin' Atmo'!

Well, Mr. Pensacola, I’m afraid the prognosis isn’t good for your son, Lenny. Now you mentioned that you have some medical experience yourself, which I’m assuming was more than simply driving from town to town selling the easily-convinced populace off-brand Space Viagra, so I’m not going to sugar coat it for you. He’s got Memento Disease -- what the laymans commonly call anterograde amnesia. He can’t form new memories so he’s not going to be great company, though he could possibly provide some dramatic tension were he to be put in the midst of some grand adventure…

This week the RPGentlemen tackle the important questions of the ‘verse as Patrick plunges Alex, David, and Dan into the cosmic kerfuffle that is his take on the Firefly universe. The unlikely trio of a smooth-talking salesman, his tough but thoroughly-Mementoed son, and a more-than-somewhat delusional engineer find themselves embroiled in a tale of deceit and… brown coats, probably? Listen in for all the Firefly lingo in Episode One of the Serenity Campaign!